Wednesday, March 25, 2009

4 Squares- Amazing

The Figure shows four squares A,B,C,D

1/4th of the square A.B & C is shaded

Now, you will be asked to do something and every next image is answer to the question. So,dont look at the answers first and try it yourself. Question will keep on getting tricker yet easier but tuffer... :-)

Divide unshaded portion of square 'A' into TWO equal and identical parts....(dont look at below image and try it yourself)




















Now, Divide unshaded portion of square 'B' into THREE equal and identical parts...

























Divide unshaded portion of square 'C' into Four equal and identical parts....(try it yourself,then tally with below answer)Clues: Solution is not in the form of Triangles...The solution lies in the problem itself....














Now, the tuffest one... Divide 'D' into SEVEN equal and identical parts....

Clues: Solution is not in the form of Triangles...This was done by Bill Gates in 7 Seconds, so how much would you take to answer....

















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